“Made me realise that I've been having conversations, rather than interviewing. Revealing and inspiring”

Interviewing Skills for Journalists

1 Day

What you will learn:

This course is for anyone who
undertakes interviews, whether face-to-face, on mobile,
on Skype or on the telephone, and take notes at the same
time. Suitable for anyone in journalism or PR, government
or internal communications. The session incudes confidence
building exercises with videoed practice interviews and
individual feedback.

Workshop content includes:

Research and interview preparation
Establishing credibility and building rapport
How to structure your questions
Techniques for face-to-face, online
and telephone interviewing
Note-taking — managing without
Handling difficult or reluctant people — and getting them
on your side
The role of body language
On or off the record?
Not for: Those with more than two years’ interviewing experience

Digital Highlights

Using skype for interviews