• Feature Writing

    • This course is ideal for journalists and those In PR with only a basic knowledge of feature writing. Newcomers to technical, consumer, in-house or online features will learn how to prepare and write a feature, on which the tutor will give detailed assessment during the second day.Read More
  • Writing better features

    • This course is ideal for those who have some feature-writing experience, whether in journalism or PR, and want to improve the quality and content of their copy. It deals with all areas of feature writing, from how to cover highly technical subjects in a more interesting way to profiles and news features. Delegates write a feature and have it assessed on the second day.Read More
  • Advanced News-Writing

    • This course will help experienced news writers improve the quality and quantity of their news writing. It delivers fresh ideas on story sources and shows seasoned staff how to coach junior reporters. Delegates participate in practical news-gathering exercises with in-depth debrief in a copy clinic format.Read More